Labels allow you to add additional text or graphics to your course. Labels can be used to give a quick instruction or for telling users what to click on next.

Adding a Label

To add a label, turn editing on and click the "+Add an activity or resource" link in any section of your course. You will see the following:

Activity Chooser

Select the 'Label' option. You will see the following:


Once you are finished creating your label, click the 'Save and return to course' button. The full text of the label will appear in the section where you created it. If you would like to increase text size or add styles to the text, click the 'Show/hide advanced buttons' icon. The entire Moodle HTML Editor will display.

You will now see your label listed in your course. Like any other resource in your course, you can move, indent, edit, delete, or hide labels.

For more information, please see:

Zuletzt geändert: Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020, 09:56